Friday, June 6, 2008

Ugh - an update

Okay, I'm fully back from Kenya.

My body re-entered the country about three weeks ago, but my mind's been taking its sweet time to catch up. I finally feel like I'm back and once again focused on finding a stinking job.

On that front, there have been a couple of nibbles, but nothing concrete yet.

In the meantime, I'm happy to report that I'm making ends meet via dividends from a real-estate investment and some freelance coding. This month I've made a couple of thousand dollars already, so that might bide me for a while. Helen's also working to help me out with writing stuff at MSNBC, but writing isn't something that's thick on my resume, so it's by no means a sure thing. Also, I think that given how quickly I write and the pay rate for coding, coding is much more lucrative.

However, as I predicted with online community, more and more people are lumping community and content together. That means I'd like to get more writing/editing on my resume. It's stuff I've done before, but always interstitially, never as a proper job.

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