Sunday, June 29, 2008

I'm so tired of Chris Anderson

I've altered this whole post because it was kind of an unfocused rant.

My point stands though. Chris Anderson made this daft pronouncement, that the scientific method is "obsolete". In my opinion, Anderson oversimplifies subtle topics (I'm guessing, so he can write popular books about them) and in the process either misses what's important or interesting, or in this case allows himself to stretch his observations beyond their capacity.

And, as long as he's taking advantage of his soap box to go around making blunt pronouncements (that are, I think, way off base), it's worthwhile to make counter-arguments. Or, in this case at least, to point out good ones elsewhere.

This blog doesn't reach more than a couple of you, but I encourage you to read Anderson's misconstrual (as well as the various comments that take him to task), and also the "rebuttals". After all, in an America where science is already being threatened in the schools by creationists, it's probably important to know a bit about how science actually works.

Ars Technica and Kevin Kelley tackle the issue Anderson raises in smarter, more precise terms. I think there's more to be said, and I may do so, perhaps elsewhere.

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