Monday, June 9, 2008

So I thought this would be funny

Taking a page from my buddy Mike Elkin's book, I decided it might be funny to translate something from English to Spanish to Swedish to English again and see how it came out. I may have better ideas for source material in the future, but I'm starting with Hamlet's "To be or not to be?" soliloquy.

It probably bears saying that I got the original version from Wikipedia and it probably needs a translation from English to English

Emphasis is all mine . . .
To be vai does not, that is the question:
If 'tis the noble, suffering from Minden
The sling and arrow, outragious Fortune,
Or, to take Armes against the sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them: dye, to sleep
Not any more, and a sleep to say that at the end of
The Heart-AKE, and thousands of Naturall Shock
This meat is too heyra? 'TIS a consummation
Deuoutly is wish'd. To Dye to bed,
Sleep, perchance to dream, I is a bargain,
If you would like us to sleep and death, which may become a Dream,
When haue shuffel'd remove this mortal Coile,
Must Giu vs. Paws. The so-respect
Calamity, that the so-long life:
To be Beare whips and scoria time,
The Evil oppressors, Poore mans contumely,
Changing of the Guard and dispriz'd Loue, the delay in Lawes,
The Spanish: hibris, hybris office (I have just no idea about this), and the Spurn
, That the patients have to be made with vnworthy,
When itself be able to make his quietus
When the bare bodkin? What are these Fardles Beare
In order to grunt and sweat-vnder tired of life,
However, that fear is something after death,
The vndiscouered Countrey, which Borne
Not Traueller return, Puzels will,
And it is facing a Beare Illes, we haue,
Then flye others who do not know.
Thus conscience makes cowards in front of everyone,
And, therefore, that HEW Natiue resolution
Is Sicklied o're, pale cast of thought,
And Enterprize bone marrow, and a great moment,
In this sense, his Currants turn away,
And loose the name of action.


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