Monday, June 4, 2007

Fire alarm(s)

I'm at work earlier than I'd like to be. (I may be lazy, but I was also here for 4 hours yesterday on Sunday).

It's probably not a bad idea and I sort of wish I'd planned to be here at 7:30 on my own. However, what really impelled me out from between the covers this morning was a fire alarm. It's the second I've enjoyed since moving here 3 weeks ago.

The first one took me by surprise. It reminded me of work at CU. It's building-wide, the klaxons are loud as hell, doors close automatically, and I think lights flash. I scampered out my door, looked for neighbors doing the same, and followed them to safety. It turned out that some doofus backed into a sprinkler head in the parking basement and set off the alarm.

The one today I know less about except that it happened (thankfully) after I got out of the shower and was just thinking, "gosh, I'm up early, maybe I'll lie here for a moment and listen to NPR". Now I'm at work instead.

I talked with some neighbors standing like refugees in the rain outside and they tell me it happens rather a lot. When I worked at CU, we had a lot of fire drills. Many of them were popcorn related (don't ask), but many were also the indirect results of lab tests. We all grumbled about them, but you know, it seemed justifiable.

Now I'm in a residential building that seems to be matching pace with a business that occasionally test things by burning them.

On the plus side, Starbucks wasn't packed to the gills.

So, good morning! And remember, only you can prevent forest fires.

1 comment:

cheesa said...

This reminds me of living in dorms in college! You have my sympathy. On a side note, you'll be amused / horrified / happy to know this is my first comment on a blog. Clearly I waited until truly moved to write something profound. :O)