Saturday, December 13, 2008


This guy was the hero of the article and makes me guffaw just about every time I see him.
Yesterday, while preening before the mirror of the Internet, I learned some things . . .

> My article made it to the home page of MSNBC. Yay!

This had a lot to do with my subsequent loss of time and goggled-eyed fascination with things said by others about yours-truly on various message-boards.

> People liked it. Or rather, some did. I'm told it was the most-read article on their site yesterday, and since it's only my second published article that fact leaves me a bit breathless. I gather too that some of the brass at MSNBC really enjoyed it, so that's very good news for me.

> People HATED it! One anonymous hater hated it with such hateful ambition they found this blog and left a post telling me just how much. Hey, it's good to hear so I can improve my writing. It also helped me formulate this theory about why and when people loathed it - and by frequent extension - me.
  • If they felt I was critiquing technologies, people got angry. I poked fun at some much-loved and beleaguered gadgets/technologies, so that wasn't a huge surprise. Particularly the fans of underappreciated, minority-market-share technologies got pissed. Makes sense - no one likes to be put in a corner.
  • If they read it the way I hoped - as a social critique of people who are thoughtless or heedless and use technology to either forgive or enhance that - they generally thought it was funny and cutting.
> No one defends Bluetooth headsets! Man - no joke - even many of the people who were helpfully pointing out that I'm probably poor, stupid, and a Luddite took time out to mention that they still agree with me on those things. One message-boarder referred to the earpiece as an "ear roach" and almost made me spit hot coffee out of both nostrils.

So, it was a fun day yesterday and now, thanks to the time I spent admiring myself in the Internet, now I have to spend all day mucking about with SQL and AJAX.


Anonymous said...

I read it, and tried to comment on MSNBC... however I could not. Couldn't figure out if you were trying to be humorous, or if you are just a twit.

I tried to post this...

Quite frankly I own a first gen Air, and find that it was a sound purchase that I never once regretted. You on the other hand, are an ignorant ass, who either hates all things Apple (no loss there, but I would suggest you might stick to talking about things you actually use, or know something about about). Or, perhaps you can't afford the Air, and are upset it didn't hit your magic pricepoint of $399.

I don't care what the tools I use make me look like, I didn't buy it to "look cool". It weighs next to nothing, and fits in my existing small attache. While it doesn't have an internal DVD (I never missed it), and has a limited number of ports, it is more than sufficient to power and run my Optoma HD projector I use for business meetings. Perhaps you are the sort of twit that chooses a laptop to look "cool" in Starbucks while working on some obviously very important and grand document, but that though never once occurred to me. Too cheap to pay the price? Head over to Amazon and you can find a brand new previous gen Air for $1149. Better yet, stick to writing about things you know about... otherwise you just sound like a pathetic trolls.

Daniel Harrison said...
