Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Ups (. . . and downs)

At least today wasn't boring.

I got a follow-up on some ActionScripting work. I've been working on it all day and I think I've got a pretty good start. It should bring in enough money that I can eat this month. Yay for eating!

I also got email from my buddy that we're getting closer to some of my writing going up on MSNBC, which is a big deal for me. Moreover, I may get to write stuff that's more complicated than what I've done so far. I choose to view that as a "promotion". On the other hand, I also choose to believe that I'm hanging out behind the Gas 'n' Sip alone on a Saturday night by choice, so maybe I'm not the best judge (who spotted the reference? Anyone? . . . Okay, anyone other than Helen?).

On the down side, I had to go to a nearby restaurant with M. today and this restaurant is a haunt of the local oldies. It smelled vaguely of urine this afternoon and made me sad, so sad. It's a restaurant where you absolutely order with a whimper rather than a bang. I feel I should get a menu to hang on my mirror to remind me daily of the dangers of aging, to remind me not to go gently into (this eatery whose name I've redacted), but I'll be damned if I'm going back there ever again. Ain't happening.

Finally, I got a CD (I know, how quaint right?) that I ordered through the pony express. It's by a band called Lexicon and contains the song "Rock". It makes me happy just to hear it and the chorus makes this song one that many people love but few know the name to. I'll do you all a favor and point you at their MySpace page. Play "Rock". You'll thank me. (however, it's the only song I like on the album)

1 comment:

Digital Dirk said...

Thanks. That song does Rock. Keep the music recs coming.