Thursday, January 3, 2008

And we're off . . .

On second thought, trying to be superman didn't end well for any of these guys; murder, horse-induced paralysis, . . . this.
Pic by akaKath
So, the new year is starting strong. I've decided not to do resolutions as such, but to try out new and different approaches to life. I've got a long and potentially quite boring theory on how one's mental model of the universe affects one's life, but to keep things short I'll just say that I'm going to try doing some things differently and see what happens.

They're not resolutions so much as experiments. Will getting up early and spending that time puttering about the house or going in early to work improve anything? Who knows? Perhaps. Will writing/calling friends more frequently help me? We'll find out.

Part of what makes this interesting is that the very method of approaching changes in the new year may confirm my theory. I find resolutions can be tough to deal with because they're so inflexible and proscriptive. I feel I might be able to stick to these "experiments" better because I won't constantly feel either guilty or harassed.

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