Friday, October 31, 2008


In addition to providing medical documentation that I'm lean and svelt, going to the doctor reminded me that it's flu-shot season.

Ever since I learned about flu-shots in my epidemiology classes, I've been fascinated by them. I think the facts are fairly cool.

Every year, flus grow in China. Why China? Because it's got the proper mixture of pigs, chickens, and humans living in proximity, and I suspect, a class of people who then get on planes and go elsewhere in the world - thus spreading the flu.

Now, every year I hear people denigrate the flu shot because "I got one last year and then I got the flu". Yes yes. The thing is, you got a flu, not The flu.

Because the other thing that happens each year is that doctors and epidemiologists and immunologists and tinkers and clowns and God-knows-who-else, all get together and try to identify the most virulent and fast-spreading strains of the flus likely to come out of China this year.

Then they put vaccinations to as many of the most dangerous and/or contagious strains as they can in a cocktail and someone else jabs that puppy in your arm and it feels like you overworked your delts yesterday and you get to whine about it all day.

Sometimes they guess wrong about which strain(s) of the flu will do the rounds of the globe, but we continue to hope and believe that they stop the next one that has its eyes on upstaging the strain that affected about 20% of the world's population in 1918 and managed to kill dead about 10-25 percent of those it infected.

So, to sum up:
  • Flu isn't a single disease - it has more and less contagious or virulent strains
  • The 1918 flu pandemic killed more than twice the number of people that WWI did.
  • The point of the vaccine isn't to stop you getting a flu, it's to stop you getting THE flu (and incidentally, to stop you from giving it to your nearest and dearest).
  • It's a good idea to get a flu shot this year.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Not fat

If I'm being honest, the last couple years of my life have not been the best of the bunch. I won't dwell though, because I'm English and that's not what we do.

However, good news was delivered today. It doesn't really make up for the preceding 30-ish months, but perhaps because of them, this lifted my spirits. I am back to my college weight.

The best part is that I haven't been trying to get back to any weight whatsoever, so it's like an unexpected gift.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm living it up in MI

I'm back in EL again to hang with Manny.

So far, I've been working on a website for a friend (hey Eric!), fighting off some cold or something I picked up by previously staying up way too late working on said website, and setting up Skype with a webcam so Manny can chat with his wife (hi Mom!), daughter (hi Janet!) and granddaughters (hi Rowan and Jael) across the Pond.

If you are reading this, use skype (or want some help learning how), and know Manny or me, drop me an email a we'll be video-conferencing toot sweet.

Also, stay tuned because my next humor/tech thing for MSNBC might go up any time and I'll post a link here when it does.

Friday, October 3, 2008

this is a funny "Web 2.0"-ish explanation

of why a web-comic I read (shut your hurtful mouth) wasn't updated this week.

It has some naughty words in it though, so don't click this link if individual words have the power to make you cry.

I call it Web 2.0, because folks like Flickr popularized the use of honest and/or humorous client-facing verbiage in modern web businesses. Also, paradigm and synergy!